Who do you think should be in control of your information on the internet? by Bani Phul-Anand

I've thought about this a lot, and to expect the managing of the information on consumers for myself is also a little bit harmful. I think there should be a standard of what is default. This is what always happens unless you give consent elsewise. That would be the ideal world, according to me. Right.

But the more I think about it, I would like to see and this goes back to what I said earlier, I'd like to understand what I'm signing up for when I when I enter information, when I visit a website, I want to know what I'm signing up for. What what are they going to do with my data as a standard?

And it would be ideal if anything that changes from that is first test like. We're going to actually do this with your data, are you cool with it? Yes, please give your consent. That would be ideal. I don't know how practical that is to to make that unanimous and consistent with all the companies. But I do think the responsibility falls on the companies to protect and be fair and ethical with everything that.

ZipComply believes that trust and security should be transparent and the industry standards that one should expect, regardless of being explicitly stated in a law.

We hope to educate everyone about consumer privacy. We ask the question "Who do you think should be in control of your information on the internet?" to people in different job functions. The answers might surprise you.

In general, people seem very passionate about consumer privacy. Stay tuned for more of these videos.

How can we help?

Based on the information above, governance is quite involved and challenging. Our ZipComply Concierge service helps your business at the consumer end of your web presence. Our Data Governance consulting group can help you with your enterprise level governance and compliance.

  • Risk Assessment
  • Gap Analysis
  • Data Mapping and Inventory
  • Policy Management
  • Procedure Management
  • Training
  • Recurring Compliance Audits
  • IT Security
  • System Integration
  • Automation
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